"Sometimes I would like to ask God, why He allows poverty, famine, and injustice in the world when He could do something about it... but I'm afraid He might ask me the same question." Anonymous

Monday, April 25, 2011

We need YOU and your donations!

You have all been AWESOME!

Over the past few months... 
Tim, I and the Wade family have been on a mission to send orphanage donations to Ethiopia. 

With God's abundance YOU answered our plea for the orphans of KVI Orphanage
and together we have made a difference! 
We are now getting word that the KVI babies are wearing our diapers!
No more ripped sheets held together with onesies,
 no more bleeding blistered bottoms!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
and from the bottom of their bottoms :)

  We are THRILLED,
 but know there are MANY MANY more orphanages that need our perseverance! 

Fellow adoptive friends are hand-carrying the donations to the children. 
No middle man,
 just great adoptive families giving up luggage space for donations.
We will do the same when we travel twice.
We hope to hand carry 400 lbs. of donations over the 2 trips.

Everything that you donated in the past has been shipped including over 2000 cloth diapers/covers. 
You might think...
that's a good number of items, that should do it...

Well... in a country with 4.8 MILLION orphans that was a good start but we MUST continue.

Here we are again pleading on behalf of the children that can't help themselves.... asking for our generous friends to remember the Ethiopian orphans when you shop. 

We need to restock...
We are calling on your generous hearts...

We are asking you to please-
Grab an extra tube of diaper rash cream, or some wipes when you are at Wal-Mart, Dollar Store, or Target.  It doesn't take much as long as we are collectively working at this.  Then either throw them in the orphan collection bins at LFCC(church) or hand them, send them to us and we will make certain they get to an Ethiopian orphanage, and who knows maybe even used on our baby girl.

Here is the list of desperately NEEDED items:
Many times the only way some of these orphanages will get supplies is through donations...and every little bit helps! Here are some of the things we would really like to bring-and many of these things are super easy and simple to buy and pack:

o Multivitamins
o Tri-vi-sol (o to 6 months)
o Poly-vi-sol (6 months to 2 years)
o Chewable multi-vitamin (2 years to 9 years)
o Adult multivitamin (9 years plus)
Tylenol (acetaminophen)
o Plastic disposable gloves
o Baby nose saline spray
o Neosporin
o Mouth and nose masks
o Benadryl liquid/elixir
o Permetherin for scabies
o Lice kits

o wipes
o cloth diapers
o plastic crib sheets
o plastic diaper covers
and good ol'cash~We are also hoping to bring money to buy formula, for the orphanages, once in country (it is the same cost and then we don't have to worry about packing it)

We LOVE you all and thank you for helping "the least of these".

  God bless you for caring!

Angi & Tim 

1 comment:

  1. Great post Angi! Thank you!

    I would like to say that for those of you who have young children, this is a great opportunity to teach your children about giving. Each time you go to the store, have your child pick out a $1 item to donate. They could pick out a tube of diaper rash cream, or diaper pins, or a pair of socks, something small each time. River and I do this with the food pantry each time we go to Angell's. I think its a fun opportunity to teach our children about giving. : )


Current time in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa

Adoption Time-line

02/02/10- Ethiopia adoption application & fee sent.

02/17/10- Accepted into America Worlds Ethiopia Program!

02/20/10- Paid initial AWAA program fee.

Start paper chase...

03/02/10- Ordered our birth certificates.

03/02/10- Spoke w/and chose GLAD as Home-Study Agency.

03/03/10- Got Angi's employeement & life ins. verification.

03/04/10- Received Tim's birth cert. in mail.

03/04/10- Went to courthouse, got Marriage Cert.

03/05/10- Received Angi's birth cert. in mail.

03/05/10- Scheduled Tim's phys. letter doctor appt.for 3/8

03/08/10- Mailed GLAD application letter & fee.

03/10/10- Ethiopia made big change- 2 trips required now.

03/11/10- Rec'd GLAD/AWAA Post Placement Agreement.

03/11/10- Rec'd Tim's Health/Life Ins. letter.

03/12/10- Jack & Annie rabie shots/Home Study Requirment

03/13/10- Rosie & Sara rabie shots.

03/21/10- Began Hague on-line required training course.

03/22/10- GLAD beginning our background checks.

03/22/10- Our HIV tests and Tim's HEP B blood draw done.

03/23/10- Tim's TB Test scheduled for 3/30/10.

03/25/10- Notary notarized all paperwork we've collected.

03/26/10- Kyla, our social work came for 1st & 2nd home visi

03/26/10- Adoption Tax Credit raised to$13,100.00! Go God!

03/27/10- Kyla finished 3rd Home Study visit.

03/27/10- Finished family photo pages.

03/30/10- Tim rescheduled TB Test until 4/6/10.

03/31/10- Picked up Tim's HEP B test results.

04/02/10- Received Archie's referance letter.

04/06/10- Tim had TB test placed.

04/06/10- Angi got bloodwork records.

04/06/10- Re-did Financial Statement/faxed to AWAA.

04/09/10- Tim's TB test results- negative :)

04/10/10- Completed Hague On-line training course.

04/10/10- Dog vaccines done.

04/20/10- Faxed Florida CPS request to FL today.

05/03/10- Had our physical visits today.

05/26/10- Angi's bloodwork drawn.

05/28/10- Angi's bloodwork result- normal.

05/28/10- Tim's bloodwork drawn & normal result.

06/01/10- Our 14th Annivesary- Renee notarized physicals!

06/07/10- Picked up our physicals & faxed to GLAD/AWAA.

06/07/10- Found out GLAD rec'd FL CPS checks 6/4/10.

06/07/10- Requested Dr. letter for Angi.

06/10/10- Picked up & faxed Dr. letter to AWAA.

06/10/10- Waiting for AWAA to approve Home Study.

06/15/10- AWAA read Home Study & requested corrections.

06/23/10- GLAD corrected and sent H.S. back to AWAA.

06/24/10- AWAA approved our Home Study!

07/01/10- Got money order for final GLAD payment.

07/01/10- Met Klya/GLAD in Vincennes, got final HomeStdy

07/02/10- Mailed I-600A application & fee.

07/09/10- Renee notarized rest of Dossier paperwork.

07/09/10- Sent 2 papers to IN State Dept.for Authentication

07/12/10- Fed-Ex package received at IN State Dept.

07/13/10- We rec'd Authenticated papers in mail!

07/14/10- Rec'd Immigration Fingerprinting appt for 8/9/10

07/23/10- Went early-Immigration/Indy. for fingerprinting.

07/26/10- Called USCIS & left msg for Immigration Officer.

07/29/10- Officer Opfer called, USCIS back-logged 3 weeks.

08/05/10- Rec'd I-171H today!Thanks Officer Opfer-speedy

08/06/10- Renee notarized new MOWA letter & I-171H.

08/06/10- Got Cashier's check to go with Dossier.

Paper chase completed!

08/06/10- Shipped Dossier to AWAA by Fed-Ex.

08/10/10- AWAA received Dossier packet.

08/13/10- AWAA approved Dossier, maybe DTE next Fri?

08/13/10- Rec'd U.S.State letter stating I-600A sent to ET!

08/19/10- AWAA Fed-Ex'd our Dossier to Ethiopia!

08/25/10- Dossier arrived in Ethiopia today!

The WAIT begins...